Know> WebStatistics (r1.15) Destinations: %DESTINATIONS%
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Statistics for Know Web

Month: Topic
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topic views:
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topic save and uploads:
Aug 2004 292 0 0  32 Web Home
 27 Web Changes
 24 Web Search
 22 Web Preferences
 17 Readme First
 10 Web Index
 10 Web Form
 10 Operating System
  9 Public FAQ
  8 Web Statistics
  8 Web Notify
Jul 2004 88 0 0   6 Web Preferences
  6 Web Home
  6 Readme First
  5 Web Search
  5 Web Index
  5 Web Changes
  5 Os Win
  5 Operating System
  4 Public Supported
  4 Public FAQ
  4 Os Version
Jun 2004 67 0 0  17 Web Home
  9 Web Changes
  7 Web Search
  5 Web Preferences
  4 Web Form
  4 Readme First
  4 Public FAQ
  4 Os Linux
  2 Web Index
  2 Sun OS
  1 Win Doze95 Crash
May 2004 455 0 0  44 Web Search
 36 Web Preferences
 24 Web Statistics
 24 Web Notify
 24 Readme First
 20 Web Topic Edit Template
 20 Web Home
 18 Operating System
 18 Incorrect Dll Version W32 PTH10 DLL
 16 Web Form
 16 Topic Classification
Mar 2004 62 0 0  11 Web Home
  4 Os HPUX
  3 Web Statistics
  3 Web Notify
  3 Web Changes
  3 TWiki Category
  2 Win Doze95 Crash
  2 Web Search
  2 Web Rss
  2 Web Preferences
  2 Web Form


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  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.

Parents: Web Home Revision: r1.15 - 29 Aug 2004 - 18:16 GMT - guest { Edit | Attach | History | More }
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