Know> WebStatistics (r1.7) Destinations: %DESTINATIONS%
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Statistics for Know Web

Month: Topic
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May 2004 109 0 0  19 Web Preferences
 17 Web Search
 13 Web Home
  6 Web Changes
  5 Web Topic List
  4 Readme First
  3 Web Statistics
  2 Win Doze95 Crash
  2 Web Topic Edit Template
  2 Web Rss
  2 Web Notify
Mar 2004 62 0 0  11 Web Home
  4 Os HPUX
  3 Web Statistics
  3 Web Notify
  3 Web Changes
  3 TWiki Category
  2 Win Doze95 Crash
  2 Web Search
  2 Web Rss
  2 Web Preferences
  2 Web Form


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  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.

Parents: Web Home Revision: r1.7 - 14 May 2004 - 11:56 GMT - guest { Edit | Attach | History | More }
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