This wiki is not actually editable. It is maintained by Sanimalp for Reference Only. He can be contacted via PM on Honda-Tech.com, username sanimalp, or through hotmail.com using sanimalp with the at notation.
To add a new page to Wiki, all you have to do is come up with a meaningful title, capitalize all the words and String Them Together Like This?. Wiki automagically recognizes it as a hyperlink. Alternatively, you can put anything into square brackets.
Then you can go ahead and Click The Question Mark? at the end of your new hyperlink, and the Wiki will give you a window for making the new page.
If you wish to add documents with complex markup to the Wiki, you might be better off providing a URL to it than trying to add the text of the document here, like so:
Php Wiki project homepage: http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/
The Wiki does not support HTML tags (see Text Formatting Rules). They will just render like text. Wiki is meant to be as simple as possible to encourage use.
Note that there is a feature that your system administrator can enable to allow embedded HTML, but there are security risks involved.
Php Wiki Documentation
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