blah blah, describe this later. messageboard link.
Here's an incomplete part ordering list so far.
Parts list
MAX233 population option
- Parts available from Digi-key
|qty|Digi-Key #|Description|Designator(s)|Unit price
|1|399-1760-1-ND|CAP TANT 220UF 6.3V 20% SMD |C1 |1.85000
|3|490-1318-1-ND|CAP CER .1UF 10V 10% X5R 0402 |C2,C3,C6 |0.05100|*
|3|311-10KGCT-ND|RES 10K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD |R1-R3 |0.07000|*
|1|311-100KGCT-ND|RES 100K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD |R4 |0.07000|*
|1|1N4148WDICT-ND|DIODE SWITCH 75V 400MW SOD-123 |D1 |0.44000
|1|ED4628-ND|28 PIN W/W IC SOCKET GOLD .600 |IC1 |3.20000|???
|1|MAX233ACWP-ND|IC 2DVR/2RCVR RS232 5V 20-SOIC |?? |10.7600|eek
||||||>* sold in multiples of 10
- Parts available from allamerican.com
|qty|allamerican #|Description|Designator(s)|Unit price
|1|U634H256SC35|256KNVSRAM,POWERSTORE,32KX8 SOP32 (300 MIL)|??|7.50
- Parts available from arrow.com
|qty|arrow #|Description|Designator(s)|Unit price
|1|STK14C88-N25|256K NVSRAM, 25ns, SOIC32 300mil|??|11.56
MAX233's sure are a ripoff. the extended temp range ones are $14.63!
It's probably cheaper just to use a MAX232 with the damn external caps.
FTDI FT232BM USB UART Chips can be ordered from Saelig $5.75 ea, $4.25q100 - note $30 minimum order.
We also need pin headers/receptacles/crimp pins for receptacles, and probably a panel-mount RS232 port for the MAX233 version and some sort of USB plug for the USB option. And maybe some Kynar wire for the necessary ECU modifications.
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