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Welcome to the PGMFI, a community dedicated to tuning and engine management information.
| > > |
Welcome to the PGMFI Dev Shed
Changed: |
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Learn about about PGMFI? if you so desire.
| > > |
Discuss building a Java Rom Editor
Deleted: |
< < |
Explore the Library to learn more about what has already been figured out.
Check the PGMFI Phorum? to see what development is underway and interact with other users.
Download Software Tools? to help you tune and manage your car.
Read some Success Stories? of those who have used PGMFI's tools with success.
Look at the Changelog to see what has changed here lately.
Note: Your phorum username and password will serve as your login and password here.
Note: If you want to learn about this web collaboration platform, you can look at TWiki Web Home?. |
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.28 - 19 Feb 2004 - Home.blundar)
Added: |
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Read some Success Stories? of those who have used PGMFI's tools with success. |
Changed: |
< < |
Explore the PGMFI Reference Library? to learn more about what has already been figured out.
| > > |
Explore the Library to learn more about what has already been figured out. |
Changed: |
< < |
Note: You must register? in order to post on this collaboration platform.
Note: For time being, registration here is independent of registration on the PGMFI Phorum?.
| > > |
Note: Your phorum username and password will serve as your login and password here.
Added: |
> > |
Download Software Tools? to help you tune and manage your car. |
Changed: |
< < |
Learn about PGMFI's History? if you so desire.
| > > |
Learn about about PGMFI? if you so desire. |
Changed: |
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Welcome to the PGMFI TWiki.
| > > |
Welcome to the PGMFI, a community dedicated to tuning and engine management information.
Changed: |
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Learn about PGMFI's History?
| > > |
Learn about PGMFI's History? if you so desire.
Changed: |
< < |
New and improved, now with context-sensitive attachments!
| > > |
Explore the PGMFI Reference Library? to learn more about what has already been figured out.
Changed: |
< < |
First project, Consolidated Ecu List? (With pictures and code!)
| > > |
Check the PGMFI Phorum? to see what development is underway and interact with other users.
Changed: |
< < |
You must register? in order to post.
| > > |
Look at the Changelog to see what has changed here lately.
Note: You must register? in order to post on this collaboration platform.
Note: For time being, registration here is independent of registration on the PGMFI Phorum?.
Note: If you want to learn about this web collaboration platform, you can look at TWiki Web Home?.
Deleted: |
< < |
If you want to learn about TWiki, you can look at TWiki Web Home?. |
Added: |
> > |
First project, Consolidated Ecu List? (With pictures and code!)
You must register? in order to post. |
Changed: |
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.WelcomeGuest: TWiki is a flexible, powerful, secure, yet simple web-based collaboration platform. Use TWiki to run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base or any other groupware tool on either on an intranet or on the Internet. You can edit any TWiki page.
The TWiki TM home is at http://TWiki.org/
| > > |
Welcome to the PGMFI TWiki.
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| > > |
Learn about PGMFI's History?
Changed: |
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TWiki.Dev Web:
- TWiki Users?: List of users of this TWiki web.
- TWiki Groups?: List of groups.
- Office Locations?: Corporate offices.
| > > |
New and improved, now with context-sensitive attachments!
Changed: |
< < |
TWiki. Web:
- .WelcomeGuest: Look here first to get you rolling on TWiki.
- .TWikiSite: Explains what a TWiki site is.
- .TWikiRegistration: Create your account in order to edit topics.
- Documentation:
- .TWikiFAQ has a list of frequently asked questions.
- .TWikiDocumentation is the implementation documentation of TWiki.
- .TWikiHistory shows TWiki's implementation history.
- How to edit text:
- .GoodStyle: Things to consider when changing text.
- .TextFormattingRules: Easy to learn rules for editing text.
- .TextFormattingFAQ: Answers to frequently asked questions about text formatting.
- .TWikiPreferences: TWiki site-level preferences
| > > |
If you want to learn about TWiki, you can look at TWiki Web Home?. |
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.20 - 02 Feb 2003 - Peter Thoeny?)
Changed: |
< < |
.WelcomeGuest: TWiki is a web-based collaboration tool, web authoring tool, document management tool and knowledge base tool. You can edit any TWiki page.
| > > |
.WelcomeGuest: TWiki is a flexible, powerful, secure, yet simple web-based collaboration platform. Use TWiki to run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base or any other groupware tool on either on an intranet or on the Internet. You can edit any TWiki page. |
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.19 - 28 Jun 2002 - Peter Thoeny?)
Changed: |
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<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.18 - 14 Apr 2002 - Peter Thoeny?)
Changed: |
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Changed: |
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- You are currently in the TWiki.Dev web. The color code for this web is a light yellow background, so you know where you are.
- If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration tool, please visit .WelcomeGuest in the TWiki. web first.
| > > |
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.17 - 07 Apr 2002 - Peter Thoeny?)
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.16 - 24 Nov 2001 - Peter Thoeny?)
Changed: |
< < |
- Web Index: Display all TWiki.Dev topics in alphabetical order.
| > > |
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.15 - 31 Aug 2001 - Mike Mannix?)
Changed: |
< < |
- .TWikiWeb: Explains what a TWiki web is.
| > > |
- .TWikiSite: Explains what a TWiki site is.
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.14 - 17 Jul 2001 - Peter Thoeny?)
Added: |
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Changed: |
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Changed: |
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<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.13 - 16 Mar 2001 - Peter Thoeny?)
Changed: |
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.WelcomeGuest: TWiki is a web-based collaboration tool, web authoring tool, document management tool and knowledge base tool. You can edit any TWiki page.
| > > |
.WelcomeGuest: TWiki is a web-based collaboration tool, web authoring tool, document management tool and knowledge base tool. You can edit any TWiki page.
Changed: |
< < |
The TWiki home is at http://TWiki.org/
| > > |
The TWiki TM home is at http://TWiki.org/ |
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.12 - 14 Dec 2000 - Peter Thoeny?)
Changed: |
< < |
- TWiki Users?: List of users of this TWiki web.
| > > |
- TWiki Users?: List of users of this TWiki web.
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.11 - 27 Nov 2000 - Peter Thoeny?)
Added: |
> > |
- .TWikiFAQ has a list of frequently asked questions.
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.10 - 08 Nov 2000 - Peter Thoeny?)
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.9 - 15 Sep 2000 - Peter Thoeny?)
Changed: |
< < |
Welcome to TWiki, a web-based collaboration tool, document management tool and knowledge base tool.
| > > |
.WelcomeGuest: TWiki is a web-based collaboration tool, web authoring tool, document management tool and knowledge base tool. You can edit any TWiki page.
Changed: |
< < |
The TWiki home is at http://TWiki.SourceForge.net/
| > > |
The TWiki home is at http://TWiki.SourceForge.net/
Changed: |
< < |
- If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration tool, please visit .WelcomeGuest in TWiki. first.
| > > |
- If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration tool, please visit .WelcomeGuest in the TWiki. web first.
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.8 - 09 Sep 2000 - Peter Thoeny?)
Changed: |
< < |
- .WelcomeGuest: Look here first to get yourself rolling on TWiki.
| > > |
- .WelcomeGuest: Look here first to get you rolling on TWiki.
Added: |
> > |
- Documentation:
- .TWikiDocumentation is the implementation documentation of TWiki.
- .TWikiHistory shows TWiki's implementation history.
- How to edit text:
- .GoodStyle: Things to consider when changing text.
- .TextFormattingRules: Easy to learn rules for editing text.
- .TextFormattingFAQ: Answers to frequently asked questions about text formatting.
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.7 - 19 Aug 2000 - Peter Thoeny?)
Changed: |
< < |
Welcome to TWiki, a web based collaboration tool, document management tool and knowledge base tool.
| > > |
Welcome to TWiki, a web-based collaboration tool, document management tool and knowledge base tool.
Changed: |
< < |
- Topic index: List up all TWiki.Dev topics in alphabetical order.
- Search: Full text search of the TWiki.Dev web.
| > > |
- Web Search: Full text search of the TWiki.Dev web.
Changed: |
< < |
- Changes: Find out recent changes of the TWiki.Dev web.
| > > |
- Web Changes: Find out recent changes of the TWiki.Dev web.
- Web Index: Display all TWiki.Dev topics in alphabetical order.
Changed: |
< < |
| > > |
Changed: |
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- .WelcomeGuest: Look here first to get you rolling on TWiki.
| > > |
- .WelcomeGuest: Look here first to get yourself rolling on TWiki.
Deleted: |
< < |
Added: |
> > |
- If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration tool, please visit .WelcomeGuest in TWiki. first.
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.6 - 03 Aug 2000 - Peter Thoeny?)
Changed: |
< < |
Welcome to the home of TWiki.Dev. This is a web based collaboration area to get to know the TWiki tool.
| > > |
Welcome to TWiki, a web based collaboration tool, document management tool and knowledge base tool.
Changed: |
< < |
Good starting points at the TWiki.Dev web are listed below:
- Welcome Guest?: Look here first to get you rolling on TWiki.
- TWiki Web?: Explains what a TWiki web is.
- TWiki Users?: List of visitors to this TWiki web.
| > > |
Changed: |
< < |
- Good Style?: Things to consider when changing text.
- Text Formatting Rules?: Easy to learn rules when editing text.
- Text Formatting FAQ?: Answers to frequently asked questions about text formatting.
- Test Area?: The place to get your virtual TWiki hands dirty!
| > > |
TWiki.Dev Web:
- TWiki Users?: List of users of this TWiki web.
- Office Locations?: Corporate offices.
Changed: |
< < |
- TWiki Preferences?: TWiki site-level preferences .
| > > |
TWiki. Web:
- .WelcomeGuest: Look here first to get you rolling on TWiki.
- .TWikiWeb: Explains what a TWiki web is.
- .TWikiRegistration: Create your account in order to edit topics.
- .TWikiPreferences: TWiki site-level preferences
Deleted: |
< < |
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.5 - 05 Apr 2000 - Peter Thoeny?)
Deleted: |
< < |
Welcome to the home of TWiki.Dev. This is a web based collaboration area to get to know the TWiki tool.
Changed: |
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| > > |
Welcome to the home of TWiki.Dev. This is a web based collaboration area to get to know the TWiki tool.
Changed: |
< < |
The TWiki home is at http://www.mindspring.com/~peterthoeny/twiki/
| > > |
The TWiki home is at http://TWiki.SourceForge.net/
Changed: |
< < |
Good starting points at the TWiki.Dev web are:
| > > |
Good starting points at the TWiki.Dev web are listed below: |
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.4 - 26 Feb 2000 - Peter Thoeny?)
Changed: |
< < |
Welcome to the home of TWiki.Dev. This is a web based collaboration area to get to know the TWiki tool.
| > > |
Welcome to the home of TWiki.Dev. This is a web based collaboration area to get to know the TWiki tool.
Changed: |
< < |
Good starting points at the TWiki.Main web are:
- Welcome Guest?: Look here first to get you rolling on TWiki.
- TWiki Web?: Explains what a TWiki web is.
- TWiki Users?: List of visitors to this TWiki web.
| > > |
Good starting points at the TWiki.Dev web are:
- Welcome Guest?: Look here first to get you rolling on TWiki.
- TWiki Web?: Explains what a TWiki web is.
- TWiki Users?: List of visitors to this TWiki web.
Changed: |
< < |
- Test Area?: The place to get your virtual TWiki hands dirty!
| > > |
- Test Area?: The place to get your virtual TWiki hands dirty!
Changed: |
< < |
| > > |
Changed: |
< < |
- You are currently in the TWiki.Dev web. The color code for this web is a light yellow background, so you know where you are.
| > > |
- You are currently in the TWiki.Dev web. The color code for this web is a light yellow background, so you know where you are.
Changed: |
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<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.3 - 04 Feb 2000 - Peter Thoeny?)
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.2 - 05 Oct 1999 - Peter Thoeny?)
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.1 - 13 Jun 1999 - Home.thoeny)
Added: |
> > |
Welcome to the home of TWiki.Dev. This is a web based collaboration area to get to know the TWiki tool.
The TWiki home is at http://www.mindspring.net/~peterthoeny/twiki/index.html
Good starting points at the TWiki.Main web are:
- Welcome Guest?: Look here first to get you rolling on TWiki.
- TWiki Web?: Explains what a TWiki web is.
- TWiki Users?: List of visitors to this TWiki web.
- Good Style?: Things to consider when changing text.
- Text Formatting Rules?: Easy to learn rules when editing text.
- Text Formatting FAQ?: Answers to frequently asked questions about text formatting.
- Test Area?: The place to get your virtual TWiki hands dirty!
- You are currently in the TWiki.Dev web. The color code for this web is a light yellow background, so you know where you are.
%INCLUDE:"wikiwebtable.inc"% |
Copyright © 2002-present by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors, and is covered by the Non-Commercial Share-Alike License unless explicitly stated otherwise. |