Full Throttle Shift
This is simply an extension of the concept behind Full-Throttle Launch (aslo called Launch Control) that allows for a different rev limit while the driver is shifting a manual-transission car. Full-throttle shift is usually accomplished hooking the Rev Limiter code so that it uses a different rev limit depending on the state of some digital input, namely one hooked to a switch on the clutch...
Full throttle shift in 3 brain-dead steps:
- First you have to write a routine in assembler to do Full Throttle Shift (or in hex for you masochists. ;)
- Next you have to make a clutch-mounted switch. For many Hondas without cruise control, the Cruise Control Switch is probably easiest.
- Connect one side of the switch to ground
- Connect the other side of the switch to the digital input you used in the code (Pin B7 [off(00211h).5? is a nice choice for OBD1).
I can almost hear it now... ''"But that's 4 steps Dave? ! ! !"''
You're right, I ''DID'' say "3 brain-dead steps"... and the first step ain't one of them :P''
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